Friday, July 08, 2011

Pink's Hot Dogs

Today we hung out with Sophie's Mommy and Me class friend Faye and her sister June, who is a few months older than Lydia. The four girls played dress up and did all things girly. For lunch we went to a famous place called Pink's Hot Dogs, where celebrities go to get their hot dog fix. We didn't see anyone this time, but I did run into the owners, who were being interviewed by a Spanish news station. After lunch, we went back to Faye's house and the kids splashed around in the kiddie pool. What a wonderful afternoon!

The cutest Minnie Mouse outfit

My hot dog with mushrooms, bacon, and cheese...I was so stuffed!

Posing with Beverly Pink

We didn't get to see the royals, but we were thinking of them

Sophie and Annie bringing back the Frisbee that June tosses

Playing fetch

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