Tuesday, July 19, 2011

First days in the Big Apple

After breakfast, we packed up, said our good-byes, and headed to the Amtrak train station for our ride into the city. When we told Lydia that we would be riding a train, she asked if there would be dinosaurs; we haven't watched it in awhile, but she remembered the PBS show Dinosaur Train. :) The moment we walked out of the station, the heat hit us like a ton of bricks. I honestly didn't expect such humidity; apparently we arrived during a national heat wave. After a very fulfilling Korean lunch, we went to Times Square and hung out at the largest Toys R Us that I had ever seen. The store was three stories high and had it's own indoor carousel! Then we met up with Tai and headed back to his place for a good night's sleep.

Lydia reading to Trung and Sophie on the Amtrak

Times Square

Lydia in toy heaven

On the big screen...we are on the middle far left; you can see Trung's raised arm

The next day we took it nice and slow and didn't leave until well after lunch. Tai and the twins took us to the Rockefeller Center and Central Park, where Sophie got a nice bump on her head from the slide. We ate lunch at Grand Central Station and parted ways for a bit as the twins went to their grandma's house for a few days.

Trung and the kiddos

Cousins watching cousins

The Lego store's interpretation of Rockefeller Center

Sophie loves to dance; that girl sure can move her hips!

And bump her head.

The famous Grand Central Station

Waiting for the subway

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