Thursday, July 14, 2011

Family Reunion

We didn't wake up until 10:30 AM and everyone was anxiously waiting for us to open the door to the basement, where our family slept. The girls were very shy at first, but soon warmed up. Everyone but Trung's oldest brother and his family (they had planned a Bermuda trip way in advance) were in attendance and it was wonderful to see the new cousins. We spent the entire day at Trung's sister Mai's house and caught up with everyone. 25 people in one house = crazy fun!

Mai's second daughter Kaitlyn

Our newest niece Abby

Christina, Mai's older daughter, teaching Lydia how to play cards


Trung's second brother An and his older son Jacob

The younger cousins trying to transport an immobile Kaitlyn

Tai, Trung's third brother, and Paula feeding the twins

Trung's younger brother Sing and his daughter Fiona

Making smores after a scrumptious home-cooked Vietnamese dinner

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