Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Lydia the Great

Lydia has been doing great with her vegetables. She has conquered the carrots, the sweet potatoes, and the butternut squash (or as Trung would call it, "buttnutt squash"). Lydia is currently battling the peas, but I think victory is hers.

This past weekend we met up with several of my Houston friends. Some friends were in town for a high school acquaintance's wedding, while some friends I always meet up with whenever we're in town. Overall, we had a great time with just us gals. Oh, while we were having dinner with Jennifer and Calvin, a shed across the street caught on fire. The waitress was the one that called the firemen and four trucks showed up in a matter of minutes. Lydia didn't really know what was going on, but she joined in the staring out the window; I guess she could feel the excitement.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


So, Apollo was definitely Ohyes Tuesday night during the premiere of Dancing with the Stars. The only thing is though...I really wish he could be more committed. Poor Cheryl has got a statue for a partner; hopefully Ian will loosen up as the weeks go by. And about Mr. Glide, well he's sooo sweet, I really hope he builds more confidence and clean sweeps the judges' scores. :)

Aw man, I just lost my bid on a purple butterly bell. Shucks! Oh well, there is another one up for grabs, but it's not as pretty. Anyhow, I'm heading to Houston tomorrow to meet up my old junior high friend Sarah who has yet to see Lydia. Trung is staying behind to take care of some business, mainly to work and do guy's household chores. We'll see if they actually get done or if he plays CoH all weekend. Yes, I'm talking about you, hon. :P

Monday, March 19, 2007

Eighth World Wonder

I've read and been told to prepare myself to expect some smelly, colorful dirty diapers when Lydia started solid food, mainly vegetables. This morning, Lydia did not fail to deliver. One word...WOW! I wish that you all could have been there to experience this with me. :P

Good News...I don't have mastitis after all, per a nurse at my Obgyn's office. I just have a really plugged duct...now all I have to do is get my "ducts" in a row. Whew! That was quite a scare!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Carrot Mustache

Lydia started her orange colored vegetables today. First up...carrots! She didn't care for them very much, but she did eat the entire jar. I hope you can get used to them carrots, Lydia, cause you're going to be eating them for the next couple of days. :P

On a more serious note, I've got mastitis and it really sucks. Basically, a milk duct is blocked and infected. I've had my fair share of engorgement, but I knew almost immediately that this was different. First of all, I couldn't sleep for the life of me on Friday night. Then, when I woke up to feed Lydia, I had a splitting headache not to mention a very tender chest; I also got chills when I woke up again a couple hours later. I made it through Saturday alright, mainly because I wanted to have lunch with my cousins (Cousins, if you're reading this, I was fine...I promise :)). After popping some extra strength Tylenol and taking a nap, I was feeling much better, but I was still tender.

Today I don't have a headache and the chills are gone, but after reading all the symptoms of mastitis, I'm sure I've got it. I also talked to my friend Nina who is a NP, and she too believes that I have the infection. I remember my Mom telling me once that she had to have surgery when she was breastfeeding Jimmy, and as it turns out, she had mastitis. Unfortunately, she lived out in the country and it was over thirty years ago, so they had to operate on her and take a biopsy, while hopefully, I can just take some antibiotics. Let's hope the good doctor will have positive things to say tomorrow.

Friday, March 16, 2007


Official PayPal Seal
Yes, ma'am! So feel free to send money my way anytime. :P I just started putting the seal today on my eBay listings because who knows, maybe it will appeal to more buyers. It's nice having this money transferring service, but it totally bites when they take a cut from the total. EBay does the same for listing and actually selling an item...there's no such thing as a free lunch. Hence, I always try to sell on Craigslist first because that really and truly is FREE, and I like that! tum tum tum tum tumsss!

Thursday, March 15, 2007


The Nurse Practitioner (NP) told me last week that Lydia should start drinking water and that she probably wouldn't like it since it has no taste, but to keep offering it. Well, the first few times I tried giving her water in a bottle, she totally refused it. So, I had to trick her a little bit by adding some juice and giving her a sippy cup. I know that giving juice is, like, a big taboo, but I only put enough to change the color of the water; I tasted it and it was extremely watered down. Anyhow, it seemed to work and only after a couple days, she's now taking solely water. I feel like I'm working my own little magic! (yeah, um, just watched "The Prestige" last night)

Lydia is now taking rice cereal twice a day right after she wakes up from her naps. Tonight we're going to be finishing up the rest of the box and mixing it with barley or oatmeal (I can't decide, oh the choices!) She has also been very consistent with her sleeping schedule with taking two 1.5 - 2.5 hour naps during the day. Lydia has been waking up during the night, however, for her pacifier, but once I give it to her and flip her back around, she goes right back to sleep. Tonight I'm going to let her cry a bit to see if she'll fall back asleep on her own; I just don't like for Trung to wake up, that's why I've been going to her immediately. I feel like I'm repeating myself with this nighttime sleeping routine, but as they say in "the book", sometimes you've got to take a step back before taking a step forward. *sigh* I do love her though. :)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Hanging with the fam

My older brother Jimmy and his family came up to Austin to hang out with us for the weekend. Cora and I checked out the upscale Domain with the kids while the men watched "300". The shopping center was very nice, but I honestly don't see myself going there that often since most of the shops are super expensive. I am, however, delighted that they opened a White House Black Market there so that I don't have to trek all the way down south to the only other store in Austin.

Jimmy and Cora have been really into "24" lately, so I caught up on season two with them during the night when all the kids were asleep. Sunday, Trung and I chilled at home while they went to the Children's Museum. All in all, we didn't do very much, but it's always nice to have some company. It's a nice change for Trung and I since we're always home with Lydia.

Today, Jimmy and his family went to San Marcos outlet and then southward to San Antonio. Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice day and little Jason is feeling better as they check out Shamu and Sea World. See you guys in a couple weeks!

Friday, March 09, 2007

And the highest bidder is...

So I mentioned before that I would use the scale that I bought on eBay to weigh Lydia, right? Um, yeah, not so much. Lydia is too squirmy, so I tried putting her in a box, but that didn't seem to work either. Oh well, at least the scale has proven quite useful for shipping stuff.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Lake Tahoe Ski Trip

We had a great time in Tahoe with old and new friends. Let's do it again next year!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Half a year old

Lydia had her six month old appointment today and her numbers are still about the same, percentage-wise. She has doubled her birth weight and is in the 90%tile for the height now. My, she has grown!She's been sitting up by herself for a few weeks now and before we know it, she'll be crawling all over the place. Gotta bust out more of those outlet plugger thingys.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What's up, cuz?

Congratulations to An (Trung's second oldest brother) and his wife, Angie, on the birth of their little baby boy, Jacob, on Friday night. He's already thinking about what he wants to do with his life. :)

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I miss my little girl! We dropped Lydia off at my parents' house Friday night in Houston, had dinner with my entire family, and caught a 9:00 PM flight to Reno. After arriving at 11:20ish, waiting for Jeff's flight, picking up the rental SUV, we finally got to the cabin after 1:30 AM. It was certainly a late night and an early morning since Trung and I were sleeping on the loft overlooking (and overhearing) all the noises in the kitchen.

We finally hit the slopes at Northstar in Lake Tahoe around 11:30 AM after picking up our rental ski equipment. My first couple of runs down the mountain were kinda scary because after a year, you get a little rusty and paranoia strikes. I was good to go soon after and had a ball skiing with the mostly snowboarding boys. We skiied until the ski resort closed and headed back to the warm cabin to warm up our toes and eat dinner. Bedtime was at 10:00 PM for me last night; I didn't wake up until 7 AM which was super nice! (well, once because they kicked me off of the air mattress to sleep with my husband...hee hee). So, we are taking it easy on the slopes at Diamond Peak today since everyone is sore; should be fun despite my random pumping/expressing sessions! We love you, Lydia. *muah*

Friday, March 02, 2007

Uno, dos, tres

Not even six months old yet and Lydia is already counting!

Foot! I mean, five!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Self-sufficiency in progress

Who needs a mommy when I can feed myself?
Well, you do, my dear, Lydia, because guess who put that milk in there? :P