Sunday, June 28, 2009

Waterskiing on Lake Travis

Xiaochun and Scott invited us to go to Lake Travis; Scott is a member of the Volente Boat Club and was able to reserve a super nice boat. Trung got a cut on his heel at Barton Springs and decided to stay home with an irritable, teething Sophie, so Lydia and I got to spend some quality time together.

Lydia thinking about starting the boat

Spongelydia Square Pants

Hitting the waves, Grace-style


Ya ya and Mommy

Scott, me, Lydia, Paula, and Xiaochun

Lydia tubing for the first time; she was quite brave when we got pulled under a couple times.



and away!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Barton Springs

We went to Barton Springs with Sarah and family to cool off on the triple digit day. Surprisingly, neither Trung or I had ever gone before, so we were both amazed at how nice and refreshing the cold water was. Lydia had a blast playing with Adam and did not mind the cold one bit, though poor teething Sophie shivered pretty much the entire time.

Frolicking in the nice cool water

Adam and Amy chillin'

Sophie pushing Amy away after Adam moved her closer for the picture

Big truck, little girl (plus Trung)

Future Baylor bear...sic'em bears!

The Eldredge family enjoying a delicious green chile-filled dinner at Shady Grove.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Lydia's first performance

For her first performance, Lydia rocked, literally, back and forth without once moving her lips to sing to her song. Quite the performer!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Neighborly fun

Whenever Sarah gets off work early, she invites the girls and I to come over to hang out so that Trung can work in peace.

Sarah found it quite amusing that my outfit blended right in with her couch.

Amy observes as my girls wrestle

This picture oozes cuteness!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

To the best dad in the world!

We love you!
Love, your little monsters.

One of my favorite pictures is of my dad holding me with this teddy bear in my arms. Lydia now sleeps with it at night.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fun fun for everyone

Saturday, Cora, her mom, Jocelyn, and I went to San Marcos Outlet while the boys and Lydia & Sophie had fun at home.

Lydia loved playing with Jason! Just look at the admiration in her face!

We met up with our group of friends for a barbeque at Jason's house. We hadn't seen everyone together in over two months, so it was fun watching the kids all growing up and playing with each other. Who knows when the next gathering will be with Joy and Wendy due in August.

Lydia and Parker, back together again

Trevor and Sophie doing a duet with some help.

Testing out the wii

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Sunset Capitol of Texas

When Jimmy and his family arrived into town, we headed out to Lake Travis for dinner at the Oasis. The atmosphere was nice and the food was much better than I remembered.

Trung and I (sans kids)

Jason, Jimmy, Cora, and Jocelyn

Cousins on a staircase

Cora and a croc

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sweet faces

Hawaii is calling for us!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Movie

We took Lydia to watch her first movie, Up, at the Alamo Drafthouse. We found out at the box office that children had to be at least three years of age to watch the movie, but Lydia is only three months shy of her third birthday, so we figured she would be okay. She did not care for the 3D glasses and cried out a few times during the "scary" parts of the film, but overall, Lydia did just fine. What a big girl! :) BTW, Sophie was at home with Uncle Sing and Aunt Maggie taking a nap and playing house.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Fun in the sun

The weather was gorgeous with not a cloud in the sky, so we took the kids to the park, though most of the other kids were in the pool. The last time we went to this particular park, Sophie slept the entire time in the baby stroller. Boy does time fly!

Sophie was quite scared of the dinosaur when she sat on it alone, and was much happier when big sister and Daddy came along for the ride.

Soph and Mommy

Sliding sisters

Maybe better luck next time!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Double the fun

It seemed just yesterday that I was taking the same video clips of Lydia, but now she's got her own pint-sized playmate.

Jamming it up

The girls love to jump on the bed, though Sophie's version of jumping is bopping her head.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A hula girl and her caterpillar

Lydia trying to imitate the dancing hula girls on her outfit

Sophie giving a preview of a potential Halloween costume. (I was organizing my store and couldn't resist putting the costume on her).

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Love and hate

Amy and Sophie have somewhat of a love/hate friendship. At times, they will walk "great distances" to hit each other, but then once, Amy hugged Sophie to console her after she hit her; it was quite funny to watch. Despite their emotional roller coasters, these little girls are great friends as evidenced below:

Amy heads out of the house...

across the great cul-de-sac...

over to Sophie's house.

Sophie and her crazy big sister, Lydia

Amy and Sophie can't bear to leave each other.

Gotta go have dim-sum with lots of family with Uncle Mike and Grandma and Grandpa Lee included!

"What a good boy you are, you deserve a pat on the head."