Saturday, June 21, 2014

Guinness World Records

The girls and I took part in breaking the Guinness world record for "the most people bowling simultaneously" today at our local bowling alley.  It sounded like a bigger deal than it really ended up being because there wasn't even enough people present to fill up each lane, so the girls and I each had our own lane to roll our bowling balls down at exactly 4:15 PM EST.  Then right after that bowl, the workers asked us to move to the far end of the alley as a big party was arriving.  At least we got a free hour of bowling and shoe rentals, and my girls got to improve on their bowling skills.

2 minutes until we help break a record

Sophie's ball didn't roll far enough and got stuck in the middle (three times), so the worker had to keep walking down to fetch it for her.

Friday, June 20, 2014


After a fun dinner at Real Food Daily with complimentary wine and cupcakes celebrating the restaurant's 21st birthday, we took an evening stroll down the promenade.  The girls got a couple of yogurts at Yogurtland and I stopped by Old Navy to make a purchase.  Trung had some trouble getting the kids to leave the entrance as they were very amused by the mannequins.

We've some how lost our children, can you help find them?

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Green bracelet

After a year of taking the Minnow level swimming class, Sophie was finally able to swim across the pool without stopping and receive her green bracelet.  She was so proud that she kept telling me to go away as I habitually followed her around the pool.  I was in the pool staying "warm" when Sophie took the test, so I didn't get a video as I had planned, but here's a clip of the freestyle strokes that got her across.

Sophie is in the red kitty swim cap

Monday, June 16, 2014

Hawaii Ready

With the kids in Summer Adventure (aka summer school for four hour a day) for five weeks, I decided to join Naam Yoga for their Zumba and Pilates classes.  My friend Simona has been going for months and recently told me about their $30 for 30 days promotion.  I am always about getting my money's worth, and never found a solid 30 days that I could consistently go.  Now with the kids at summer adventure every day and with Hawaii almost exactly a month away, I figured now was as good of a time as any.  Not only would I try to attend a daily class, but I would swim laps with Lydia for 25-30 minutes Monday - Thursday while Sophie has her swim lesson.  Overkill?  Maybe, especially since I caught this annoying cough from Lydia recently, but we'll see how my weekly weigh-ins go.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day 2014

The girls and I woke up bright and early, woke up Trung, and took him to one of our favorite breakfast places.  While we were waiting for our food, we presented him with a custom photo book, which he loved.  Happy Father's Day, Trung!

 My mocha was bear-y good

The world's greatest Dad with his girls

Click here to view this photo book larger
Shutterfly photo books offer a wide range of artful designs and embellishments to choose from.
Tears were shed, so I think that means I did a good job.  :)

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Pool parties

 Tis the season for pool parties and summer baby birthday celebrations.  Sophie and Lydia each had parties today and though they overlapped a little, I was able to make it to both.  Who knew kids parties could be so exhausting!

Luna's birthday party at her apartment complex

Lucy's birthday party at the Marriott in Marina Del Rey

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Girls, girls, and more girls

A couple friends asked if I could watch their kids today because one had to work and the other had a final exam.  I figured that since I already had three extra kids coming, what difference would a few more make?  I planned the afternoon for 9 girls ages 6-8 and though two didn't end up coming, another two replaced them later.  I had a nail polish station set up, Frozen karaoke and the movie, and lunch of chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, and fresh vegetables with ranch dip.  One kid brought dessert and I had a homemade ice cream bar.  Four hours later, the girls were ready to go home, but I think they had a good time.
Pretty nails

Watching "Frozen"; Siona, Sophie's classmate, and her little sister Lily arrived just when the movie was starting.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Last day of school 2014

Though we were all excited for the girls to graduate to the next grade level, we were very sad that it was their kindergarten teacher Mrs. Scholder's last day to teach...ever.  After 40+ years of teaching with 18 of them at Roosevelt, Mrs. Scholder decided to retire and move to New York City to be with her husband.  We will truly miss her as she had been a wonderful teacher and friend.

Mrs. Scholder and Julia signing Lydia's yearbook

We will never forget Lydia and Sophie's first real teacher

Play date at Siona's house after school

Monday, June 09, 2014

End of the school year happy hour

Throughout the year, I organized happy hours with my mommy friends.  It started out being a weekly thing, and then bi-weekly, but by the end of the girls' Spring Break in mid-April, it became non-existent.  Why?  The lack of responses and participation got to me (again) and I didn't want to deal with the constant disappointment.  Well, I decided to start the gatherings back up in late May since I added a few interested mommies to the e-mail list, and though that first Happy Hour only had three people, the one tonight ended up having 9 people.  I don't know if it was because it was the last one of the school year or because of the change in day (I usually have them on Tuesday and this one was on a Monday), but we had a great group.  I hope to have more gatherings like this one!

My version of "Mom's Club"

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Sophie's Ballet Recital - Spring 2014

Sophie with her teacher Miss Marie

I may be a little bias, but I think she was the best one in the class (probably because she is the oldest)

Tutu cute!

Our little ballerina

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Dancing through the day

Sophie's make-up dance class inside a art studio

Lydia and Sophie at Ava's "ballet" birthday party

Friday, June 06, 2014

Drawing to an end

The school year is drawing to an end and the kids are excited about not going to school every day.  It doesn't really matter that "summer school: from 8:30-12:30 every day at the same school starts in a week, but at least it's a change from the daily grind. 

Signing yearbooks

Sophie and a few of her buddies

Lydia and her best friend, Mia

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Nothing and then something

After the fashion show in March, Sophie has had only a couple auditions and no more jobs.  I have friended  on Facebook some moms of other kids from the fashion show and their kids seem to be awfully busy.  This week, however, Sophie had two auditions (Tuesday and Thursday) and it almost made me miss those slower days.  Driving out to Hollywood on a week day after school isn't my idea of fun, especially when I have to drag poor Lydia around too.  Hopefully we'll get a hit this time though!

The Tuesday audition had a great view of the Hollywood sign, though you can barely see it above the black billboard.

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Selling like crazy

I have had boxes of kids clothes laying around the house for quite some time now, just waiting to be sold on eBay.  With school ending very soon and no free time quickly running out, I finally got my act together and posted all the summer/spring clothes on eBay.  I think I even shed a tear or two as I remembered my girls wearing these adorable outfits.

Separating the clothes into big sister/little sister matching sets.