Thursday, July 21, 2011

The HiLine

Today we got up a tad bit earlier, but still managed to get a late start sight-seeing because we picked up bagels and ate them at a local playground. What are vacations for if not for taking it slow and enjoying yourself, right? :P We hopped onto the subway and went to see the Atrium, the Freedom Tower, and HiLine Park. Then we had a nice dinner at a family-style Italian restaurant with Tai and Paula near Times Square. What a day!

The girls kept running up and down the steps at the Atrium

The Atrium

The Freedom Tower; I can't believe it's almost been ten years since 9/11

The view of the street from HiLine park, a park built over an old railroad

Awesome architecture

Silly girls

Playing in the water while waiting for Tai and Paula

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