Saturday, July 16, 2011

Exploring Albany

After spending the entire day at home the day before, we decided to get out and do some shopping. Christina volunteered to represent Vietnam for cultural day at the local library, so we dropped by to support her and listen to her presentation. Then we went to a nearby mall to shop and walk around. We had yet another delicious dinner and got to visit with Trung's old high school friend Randy, who came over for dinner with his family.

Christina's impressive set-up

The twins enjoying their day out

Lydia, Sophie, and Fiona go driving

The next day we chilled at Mai's house once again and just enjoyed the family time.

Everyone enjoying Christina's piano playing

Our sleeping headquarters aka the basement aka the game room

A failed attempt to get a picture of the kids

Sophie playing with Abby; the toy cow was the cutest thing

Ma and gelatinous goodness

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