Saturday, October 09, 2010

The Original Farmer's Market and hanging with the Yen's

This morning we visited the original Farmer's Market at 3rd and Fairfax. I am used to seeing fruit and vegetables everywhere, but this market was mainly food stands and restaurants. We had raw oysters, Brazilian BBQ, and interesting combination, but very good. After the kids took naps, we went to the Yen's for dinner. I've hung out with Christina and the kids a couple times since we've moved here, but we had yet to have the hubbies join us. Tri-tip steak, sausages, sweet potatoes, and bread awaited us, and we finished with watermelon and an apple pie; we were stuffed to say the least! The kids had their moments, but overall, had fun playing together.

Silly Sophie picking a her hot beignet while it cooled down, and then almost falling out of her chair

Everyone loves beignets

Homemade apple pie; I put a little too much butter, but it still turned out okay

Luke and his wooded knife...

that happened to meet Sophie's head a couple of times

Kids at play

Thank you, Yen's for a wonderful dinner and fun evening.

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