Tuesday, October 05, 2010

The Ellen Show

My friend Susanna got stand-by tickets to the Ellen show and invited me to go with her. Since our tickets were not guaranteed, we arrived early to grab a stand-by number to hold our place. Once all the guaranteed ticket holders arrived at 1:30, then they would supposedly have a better idea whether or not we would be getting into the show; if we didn't get in, then we would stay in the riff raff room and watch the show from flat screen TVs.

We had some time to kill before 1:30, so I filled by tank with Costco gas and then we ate at an Italian restaurant within walking distance from the parking garage. We got back around 12:30 to find about 150 people now waiting in the garage. After taking a few pictures and returning my camera to the car, we were finally greeted by Ellen employees. We watched that day's episode of Ellen and some of the audience members showed their special talents (talking like Donald Duck, dancing funny, doing a handstand, etc.).

Finally around 3:45, we were numerically lined up and walked over to the studio. Susanna and I were the 5th and 6th stand-by ticket holders and barely made the cut-off at ticket 9; we didn't get to sit together, but at least we got in! The show had a lot of energy and seemed to go by quickly. Our special guests were Felicity Huffman from the Desperate Housewives, Anderson Cooper via satellite, and an unknown band. We got a board game and the band's CD to take home. After the show, we ate at Ahi Sushi and had a nice meal with just us girls. So much fun! We should go every season! :)

Getting excited about the Ellen show

The entrance to the Warner Bros. Studio

The street of billboards

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