Friday, October 15, 2010

Halloween Fun

My Mommy & Me friend Annie invited the girls and I to her home for lunch and to decorate cookies and caramel apples. We arrived a little late because it still hasn't sunk in that LA traffic is awful, but just in time to catch the kiddos still eating. After lunch, the girls played while the adults ate. Cookie decorating was next; Sophie enjoyed the chocolate icing a little too much and Lydia may be getting more cavities from all the sprinkles that she ate. Then time for making caramel favorite! After the kids took nibbles here and there, we all went out back and enjoyed the nice afternoon. We had so much fun and the girls got to meet some new friends!
Everyone busily decorating Halloween cookies

The evidence is all over Sophie's face

The finished product (that I got to eat later at home). I had to spoon the caramel over the apples since the girls started eating the apples before we got a chance to dip them into the caramel.

My girls with Annie's girls: June, Sophie, Lydia, and Faye

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