Saturday, October 02, 2010

4 Family Fun at LA County Fair

We picked Christine and Elyse up bright and early this morning and headed straight to Yung Ho for Taiwanese breakfast. I got the location mixed up with another restaurant of the same name, so Jean and family just got their food to go and met us at the fair. Henry, Susanna, and Ethan met us shortly after. The five older kids did a few rides and then we had a chaotic lunch. Then off to the barn to visit the animals, play in the haystacks, and drink some fresh milk. The girls hit the princess area again and played dress-up, and then we visited the trains, which was more of Teddy's cup of tea. After an exhausting, but fun day at the fair, we ate a delicious dinner at New Capital Seafood and had milk tea. The kids had fun going on the rides together and the parents enjoyed chatting. We should definitely make this an annual event!
Bob Harper from The Biggest Loser


Bumper boats

The must-do teapots

Looks like someone took over the bumper car

These bumper cars were definitely not made for adults

Traffic jam

Chauffeur Teddy

The group!

Teddy's intricately placed arm (that I placed :P )

Choo choo! Oh wait, Sophie needs to go pee pee

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