Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Magic

The girls and I have been enjoying Halloween events, such as magic shows yesterday and today. Sophie's Mommy and Me class went trick or treating through the adult classrooms and then had a mini carnival. The kids are having so much and Halloween isn't even here yet...just wait until our jam-packed weekend!

Magician Tony was very entertaining; Lydia and I loved the show!

Faye the cowgirl and Sophie the flower fairy

Sophie's classmates

"Bobbing" for donuts; Sophie cheated and used her hands

Beanbag toss; there was a nice big pile of beanbags IN FRONT of the hole

We arrived late to the magic show today, so Lydia went to sit with Christine...

while Sophie sat with Emiko. I stood against the wall with a bunch of other moms.

Magician Jeff was pretty good too

Reading time

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