Thursday, September 09, 2010

New doc

I took the girls to their new pediatrician today for Lydia's four year old check-up. She is now 39.75" tall and 36 lbs, 9 oz, which puts her at 80% for the body mass index. The norm is under 85%, so she's up there; looks like I'm going to have to keep a close eye on her snacking habits. Both kids ended up get shots since flu season is around the corner and Sophie hadn't gotten her TB skin test done before. Many tears were shed at this appointment, but we made it out in one piece. Too bad I didn't have cash or checks for the parking garage and had to mail in a check to the hospital parking management...this pretty much sealed the deal.
Before the shots, but not after some tears were already shed (on Lydia's cheeks)

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