Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Getty Villa

My Austin friend Ravel came into town, so we got to experience more of Santa Monica with him. This morning we went to The Getty Villa, which is a museum exhibiting antiquities. The villa was lovely and housed some interesting pieces, though we didn't stay too much longer after the mini tour since the kids were getting restless and hungry. After a lunch of Japanese Ramen and milk tea, we parted ways and went home for the girls to take naps. Christine and Elyse came over for dinner, after which Trung stayed home with the girls while the mommies had a night out. We met Karen at the theatre and watched "You Again" and had dessert at Ugo's across the street. What a fun day!
The multi-layered Getty Villa

The seeping wall

Me, Lydia, and Ravel making art

Lydia wrote her name on pottery; the family room at the Villa was pretty cool

Group pic

Family pic

Sweet Lydia

Trung, Sophie, and art

Hercules, Lydia, and I

Like a statue

The Amphitheatre

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