Sunday, September 12, 2010

LA County Fair

The pictures from the fair are finally downloaded from Trung's cell phone since I left the camera at home. We started off the morning with a Taiwanese breakfast; the girls loved the fresh soy milk. Then off to the fair! We hit a bunch of rides with the first one being America's largest transportable ferris wheel. Then Lydia and Sophie did a few kiddie rides. After lunch, we waited to meet Hello Kitty, who was 30 minutes late, and didn't even get to take a picture with her because Trung's phone died. Oh well. The girls loved the dress-up station and could have been there all afternoon if not for a potty break. Sophie fell asleep soon after, so Lydia snuck in a couple more rides, we walked through the barnyard, and then home we went. The fair was humongous and I feel like we didn't even see half of it. Maybe we'll be back again before it closes in October. :)

The enormous ferris wheel

Bumper boats

Twirling Teacups

Look at the size of this grill compared to the man standing next to it

Hello Kitty and friend showing us how to make a line

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