Wednesday, September 08, 2010

First Day of School

Lydia started pre-kindergarten today. After having both kids at home for the last month and a half, I never thought this day would come. Hallelujah! She had a great time with her new friends and I had a nice break as well. The bad thing is I found out school is only Mon-Thurs, but the good thing is that I can now schedule play dates on Fridays since the day won't be broken up from dropping Lydia off and picking her back up. Also, Sandy, Lydia's teacher, said that I can bring her in 30 minutes early so that she can have lunch there. Lydia complains a lot about her meals, so I am totally jumping at the invitation.

Lydia and Sandy

Lydia holding her long bangs back and wearing her Tinkerbell backpack that she got for her birthday.

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