Sunday, September 19, 2010


We had a late start Sunday morning, so we decided to go to our default place...Santa Monica Farmer's Market. This time we went early so that the kids could play on the playground on the beach and Trung & Sophie even took a little stroll. Then off to our favorite farmer's market where the kids sampled LOTS of fruit, I bought some produce, and we ate a very fatty lunch of sausage and pork sandwiches. After naps, we discovered a quaint Asian fusion restaurant down the street called Destini Cafe and had a lovely dinner. We finished just in time to see the sunset over the Pacific!

Walking back from a nice stroll. Lydia met Trung and Sophie as they headed back.

Lydia snagging more samples as we waited for Trung to get the blanket.

The fountain at Destini Cafe

Good night, LA!


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