Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Letters and stacking

Sunday, I spent the afternoon putting the letters together for Lydia's room. I painted two coats of paint on the wooden "frames" and the letters after sanding them down a bit, stapled the ribbons to the frames, and then carpenter glued the letters to the frames. I let the glue set overnight, so hopefully the whole thing won't fall apart right away. Anyhow, here's the finished product!So, today we officially learned how to stack files at work, which means we have to start a'stackin. Now I'm REALLY feeling an itch to leave earlier. Hmmm, I am thinking that maybe I'll make a compromise with my corporate office; I'll stay until the 18th if I don't have to stack files, but if they are going to make me stack, then I'll leave, um, say, tomorrow! It's gotta be dramatic to get any kind of reaction, let me tell ya. I mean, I sent a supervisory person an e-mail last week about my anniversary (I can't believe I've been with this firm for two years!), which was on July 24th, and 1) I haven't heard back and 2) there's still no wage adjustment on my paychecks, so what the hay! Anyhow, so the blogs are not going to be as frequent, so I'll be missing ya. We'll keep in touch though, ok? *muah*

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