Monday, August 28, 2006

It's raining!

After a drought of a few weeks, the rain is finally coming. It's still thundering outside, but the rain will surely follow. Thank goodness for our newly installed sprinkler system, or else our grass would have shriveled up and died by now. With rain comes cooler weather; maybe Lydia will be born on a nice sunny, cool day! :)

Okay, so what have I been up to since Thursday? Well, we settled on a pediatrician; we're going to go with the recommended one because she seemed to really take her time to talk with us, while the meeting with the family friend felt really rushed. Friday, I spent the morning and early afternoon at the brand new Round Rock Premium Outlets; here's what I looked like <------. There's really no point in clothes shopping for myself anymore, so I shopped for Lydia. The way the outlet is laid out, the children clothing stores are right next door to each other, so I just went from store to store, loading up on the cutest baby girl's clothes. I also managed to get a little something for myself...okay, so I've been told that the diaper bag ultimately become your purse from other mommies. So, I've got the stylish diaper bag, but then I was thinking, what if I just wanted to run a quick errand or leave Lydia with Trung, would I have to take the big ole diaper bag with me? Then I saw on ebay a Coach lilac wristlet, and thought that it would be perfect! Even better would be if I could find the wristlet at the Coach outlet store, which I did! And in my book, every "purse" needs a matching key ring, and it just so happens that the regular Coach stores have one in lilac. Oh, but the only thing is, the wristlet and key ring are from different seasons, so even though the color codes read the same, they don't exactly match. Um...what to do, what to do.

Saturday, we had our carpets deep cleaned for the first time in almost three years. Let's just say that there was tons of cat hair accumulated over the years, but I think we got most of it after vacuuming before and after the deep cleaning. Anyhow, we had to let the carpets dry, so we went to Whole Foods for lunch where we ran into Sing and Maggie. Then the four of us went to Tapioca House for some Taiwanese drinks. Trung and I headed to Half Price Books next to purchase pediatrician-recommended baby and discipline books. After spending a few hours at Barton Creek Mall where I baby shopped again while Trung checked out the Apple store, we had a quick dinner and went to our photographers' house for some poker. We also got a DVD of our maternity pics, where most of the pictures turned out pretty well. Now, it's a matter of going through and picking out our favorite ones, which we will post later after they have been photoshopped.

Since we were out all day Saturday, we spent Sunday putting all the furniture back. In moving most of our things off of the carpet, we took the opportunity to really clean up and rearrange the rooms. We went for a quick swim later and got home in time for "the gang" to come over for a barbeque. We ate macaroni salad, burgers and/or sausages, salad, home fries, and pineapples, while watching the Emmys. Oh, and we had yummy strawberry shortcake ice cream for dessert.

Okay, so the weather is such a tease. After the dark clouds rolled in and the thundering stopped, we received not even a single drop of rain. Well, I guess I'll head off to the grocery store now, so that we don't starve. Tomorrow I will start on my next arts and craft project: a clock for Lydia's room. Stay tuned for pictures of the finished product.

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