Thursday, August 03, 2006

Front heavy

Tuesday night on our way to the pool, I suddenly remembered that the HOA (homeowner's association) was having a pizza party at the pool that day. We didn't RSVP for it nor did we bring a dessert, so we thought that we would swim quickly and jet. Well, by the time we finished, one of our neighbors had arrived and the host lady was insisting that we grab some food. So, we did. :) Our neighbor JT was there with his wife and one year old daughter, Lily. Well, as Trung was helping JT grab a table and chairs, I bent down to play with Lily or what have you, and I just toppled right over...skinned both my knees. Geez, I didn't realize how out of balance my body was nowadays.

Okay, my choices for the dancers being voted off on "So You Think You Can Dance", if they are not obvious enough, are Natalie and Ivan. The other bottom two will be a toughy, but I think that they will be Donyelle and Benji, though I think Benji could easily win the whole thing too. OH, I DUNNO!

Today I went to Half Price Books for the first time ever and got a couple of books for Trung and myself. Trung has been reading the "Otherland" series and needed books 3 and 4; I was just looking for the best-sellers "Memoirs of a Geisha" and "The Devil Wears Prada" to read during my upcoming free time. I only found Otherland book 4 and Memoirs, so I bought Trung's book 3 on amazon. Now my lunch break is coming to an end, so laters!

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