Saturday, August 19, 2006

The day after

I really didn't do much my last day of work yesterday, just processed a few loans and sat around snacking. I didn't feel like stacking, so I didn't...what are they going to do, fire me? Ma ha ha. My co-workers didn't care; they took me to lunch and let me set appointments while they stacked. When loans did come in, however, I did do them; they helped to make the time pass faster. Oh, and I finally got a phone call from HR...I got an "increase" effective July 30th, though my anniversary date was July 22nd. Oh wells, something is better than nothing. :) Oh, and even better, Trung looked up his company's policies and discovered that he gets two weeks paid paternity leave...NICE! Now he can serve as the mediator between his mother and I when she's down here the first two weeks after Lydia's birth.

Right now I am using Trung's laptop, sitting next to him as he is gaming with eight other guys. We started off with a total of eleven guys, but a couple had to leave late afternoon, so now we are down to the hard core gamers. I tried to plan things to do outside of the house, so as to leave the guys to themselves, but there's not much for an eight and a half months pregnant woman to do, especially on ozone alert day. So I just went to get my car washed and got the inside vaccumed, and then went to the Chinese supermarket to stock up on Asian groceries. I just read a couple parenting magazines and took a nap to pass time, and now here I am. I'll probably head to bed soon...and wake up a few hours later to pee and get a drink of water, oh and say "hi" to the guys if they are still gaming. Good-night!

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