Lydia's very first "job" on Disney's "Dog with a Blog". She is on the right of the main red-headed little girl.
Lydia's second "job" on another Disney show, "Crash and Bernstein", for yet another six year old's birthday party. She's in the front row on the far left, and I remember being driven nuts over her non-stop sucking of the prop necklace. Anyhow, Lydia was picture-picked for this job, meaning that she was picked based on her picture in the casting agency's database. Not that she gets that many jobs (we haven't accepted any since the beginning of the year because one required her to be able to catch a football and the other was on the same day as her first play date with her BFF), but I've decided to accept only jobs that she's picture picked or jobs on shows that I watch. I have to draw the line somewhere, though Sophie can take any job that she can get because her school is not as strict about attendance and roles for her age are rare.