Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today I volunteered at Sophie's class, which was more fun than usual because the kids made cupcakes. Yes, I had to pass the bowl around 6 times so that each kid got a chance to do each step...pour in flour, stir, etc. I normally don't let my kids help in the kitchen because it gets awfully messy, but this experience helped me see that it wasn't so bad.

Sophie shared my marathon medal in class

She wanted to wear it all day

Cupcake time! I also brought some banana chocolate chip cupcakes to celebrate Sophie's upcoming birthday. Lots of sugar today!

In the afternoon, we met Snow and Elizabeth at the food trucks to get a free meal. BBC America was promoting their new show No Kitchen Required by giving everyone a ticket for an entree, drink, and ice cream. We spent three hours standing in lines, but it was a lot of fun. It's not every day that we get to eat lobster rolls or crepes from a truck.
Joining the food frenzy

I got to watch some of the show on the big screen while waiting in the crepe line. It's pretty interesting, think Survivor meets Iron Chef.

Food trucks are everywhere in LA and quite popular

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