Saturday, March 24, 2012


After a manicure and pedicure, the last of my self-pampering, on Thursday, I picked up my sister-in-law Cora from the airport, thus, beginning our girlfriend weekend. We had a nice lunch at an Italian restaurant Alejos and grabbed a crepe and milk teas afterwards. Then we spent the afternoon walking the Promenade in misty weather, but still enjoyed the freedom from our kids. By 5, both my kids were back and we had a simple crock pot dinner with Snow and company. During this time, the idea of watching the midnight showing of Hunger Games was being tossed around and after some arrangements and hours of trying to stay awake, we hit the theatres. The movie was great and know I have an urge to read all the books.

Friday, after dropping Sophie off at Elizabeth's place, Cora, Snow, and I had breakfast at Amandine Patisserie and then hit the outlets. We literally spent hours there until our eyes couldn't stay open any longer and our stomachs were growling with hunger. We spotted an Olive Garden off the highway and arrived to Ojai Valley Inn & Spa around 10 PM; Jean, Cora's cousin met us moments later.

Yummy breakfast at Amandine


The next morning we had an awesome buffet breakfast, with all sorts of delicacies...smoked salmon, strawberry butter, and wine-infused fruits. Then we joined a yoga class to start off our spa day. Jean moved her massage time up six hours, so the remaining gals went exploring while she was away. When Jean finished, we had a light lunch before the rest of us got our facials. We spotted actress Kim Raver of Grey's Anatomy and 24 at the spa too, which was pretty cool though expected as the resort is a favorite amongst celebs. Around 6, we got ready to head out and have dinner, and enjoyed a shaved snow at Blockheads before calling it a day.

Good morning, Ojai!

Ojai Valley Inn & Spa

Talk about rolling hills!

Snow grabbing her 100th pixie tangerine. :P They were sooooo sweet!

Hand painted scarves


Thanks for a wonderful day!

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