Sunday, March 11, 2012

A double birthday and playdate

We attended Marina's 3rd and Sunny's 1st birthdays this morning. Even though there weren't many kids, there was plenty of action. Sunny literally dug into her cake and Marina was her usual spunky self. We stayed at the party the full three hours, but seemed to be only ones to leave at the end time. Then we were off to Virginia Park to meet up with Annie, June, and Faye, who we hadn't seen since school started back in August. The kids immediately started playing again and Annie and I were able to catch up. Hopefully it won't be another seven months before we see each other again.

The birthday girls

Sunny was the only of four kids that really dug into her cake

Marina's Tinkerbell cake

Kindergarteners Lydia and June

Our only friends thus far whose kids are the same ages and gender as ours.

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