Friday, November 10, 2006

We are family!

I am trying to organize the pictures in the blog a bit, so you may think you're seeing "repeat" pictures, but I'm actually just moving them around. For some reason, ever since I've been in Houston, I cannot seem to move the pictures around within the post, so it is a hassle when the pictures download out of order. Oh, and it doesn't help that everything is in Chinese; good thing I remembered all the links based on their locations.

So anyhow, Lydia and I have hung with Jimmy's family everyday this week. I would like to think that Jason and Jocelyn have grown a certain fondness for Lydia. Jocelyn has been helpful by giving the baby her pacifier whenever she gets irritated or whenever it drops.
Here's my brother Mike on his moving day. He had been staying at my parents' house since his return, but moved out last night to a friend's townhome in downtown Houston because it will be closer to work, which he will start on Monday. He will be missed, though I'm sure we'll still see him often since he loves my mom's cooking.

Last night Lydia slept until 5 AM, her longest stretch yet! She actually woke up at 2 AM, which is earlier than usual. Well, I did what the nurse practicioner said and waited fifteen minutes before going to her. I only ended needing to wait ten minutes because Lydia fell asleep again. I am so proud of her, and she will continue to improve from now on. Yay! Oh, and when I picked her up at 5 AM, she was sucking her little thumb.

There has always been a debate whether or not to let a baby suck his/her thumb or to give a pacifier instead. Pacifiers fall out easily and babies will cry until someone puts it back in their mouths, but they can be taken away when the child gets older. Thumbs are useful because the babies always have them if they need them to suck on something, but they are harder to wean the child off of. Okay, so I was going the pacifier was tough having to get up at night to stick the pacifier back in Lydia's mouth, but nowadays, she doesn't cry for it as much; well, that's because she's found her thumb. Ah, the good ole thumb, that's how I've been getting all that sleep! So, as you can see, it's a toss up. I think I'll start her off with the pacifier when I put her to sleep for the night and just let her suck on her thumb/hand during the seemed to work last night!

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