Monday, November 20, 2006

He's back!

After almost two long weeks, Trung has finally come home to his wife and baby. He arrived in Houston at 7:30 PM Saturday night and was exhausted. Trung had some Lydia time when he got to my parents' house and hit the sack soon after. He's been kinda nauseous (I can never spell it correctly...whatever), but his sleeping pattern has improved. Tonight he should be able to sleep just fine; maybe I'll slip him a Benedryl just in case. :)

Lydia doesn't seem to like it when Trung kisses her, maybe because his stubble scratches her face. She also likes to suck on her bottom lip.Anyhow, so Trung had a bit of catching up to do with Lydia...
Lydia has also been having interesting sleeping patterns. Friday night she seemed a bit warm, so I gave her one dose of Infant's Tylenol, which seemed to clear her "fever", but she woke up around 2:30 AM. I went ahead and tended to her needs because she hadn't been feeling well earlier, though I usually would have waited until 4 (per the N.P.). Saturday night she woke up around the usual time 4-5ish, but this morning (Sunday night) she didn't wake up until 7:45 AM! Trung and I heard her whimpering and sucking on her thumb from 4-6 when Trung got up to go to the restroom, but she never really cried, so I let her be. I eventually fell asleep and didn't get up until she did. I thought it was a gigantic breakthrough, but Trung was a bit concerned that she went too long without food. So, I called Lydia's pediatrician, and according to the nurse, it's totally fine, especially since Lydia did eat tons when she finally did get up. I wonder what time she'll get up tonight...

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