Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Lydia and I have been shopping at the mall these last couple of days...what can I say, you've got to start them young. hee hee. Yesterday we went with Mike to Memorial City Mall and had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen and today we went by ourselves to the same mall after having lunch with Grandpa. We paid White House Black Market a few visits because after all, it is one of Mommy's favorite stores. I was hoping that being out a little while would get Lydia really tired for her nap when we got home, but instead she was extremely restless. She would only sleep 10-15 minutes at a time and would wake up very upset. I guess it didn't help that her rowdy cousins were over for dinner either. Well, Lydia finally got some rest laying on top of me as I watched Dancing with the Stars. Speaking of which, it was a three way tie so it's going to be a close call. I personally think Mario needs to go because he's always been good and hasn't really "improved". Anyhow, so I learned my lesson and am only going to go out for a few hours at a time, so my little one can get some rest. This motherhood thing sure is an experience and I sure am loving it!

I got to talk to Trung this morning at 8:30 AM our time, 10:30 PM his time. Poor guy's luggage didn't get transfered, so he had to wear his traveling clothes to work. Well, at least he finally got it and is getting plenty of sleep, considering the lack of sleep with the baby. The good thing is, by the time he gets back, the baby should be sleeping until at least 4 PM and will soon be sleeping through the night. I can't wait for that, but especially for Trung to come home. He's only been gone for a couple days, but I miss him immensely. I think my hormones are still out of whack too. :P

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