Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Six weeks and counting

Today I went in for my six weeks appointment, basically a check-up to see how I healed up after the delivery. I am good to go, but don't tell Trung that, cause then we might end up with another baby in nine months. hee hee, j/k, I ain't no Britney Spears. Nah, we have discussed it...we want the kids to be about two years apart, so we're thinking that we'll have baby number two by mid-2008, but that's thinking ahead. Here's what we've got now:

Mommy was having a bit of fun in this picture.

This is what I like to call her Rod Stewart hairdo because the hair near the back of her head just recently started standing straight up. Well, what do you think? :P

Okay, so Sing and Maggie went to New York City for a break (Maggie is from Queens) , so we've been cat-sitting Fuzzy for a few days. The cats, overall, get along alright, but they definitely have their moments. Here's one of their nicer moments...