Friday, October 20, 2006

All in a day's work

I think we've basically got a routine (but far from a schedule) down now with the baby that kinda seems to work. Basically, we put her down to sleep for the night around 10-11 PM. (Some people would disagree and have the baby sleep earlier, but Trung and I are late each his own). Lydia wakes up a couple times throughout the night, about 3-4 hours between each feeding and I, of course, being the food source, get up to nurse her. If she wakes up within an hour of a feeding, I usually go find out what she needs, unless Trung is awake, then sometimes he goes. Then if Lydia wakes up and is not hungry after Trung starts working for the day, he takes her and puts her in the swing in front of his desk, which usually puts her to sleep.
During the day, she takes a couple naps for a couple hours and "plays" during the in-between times. Then during the evening time, I feed her every hour from 7-9 to stuff her so that she sleeps longer through the night. Every other night, we give her a bath, which is followed by her daily final feeding for the night.

Here's a daddy moment during an in-between time...
This is what we call the "Praise the Lord" pose; Grandpa Lee would like that. Every time we undress Lydia to take a bath, she spreads her arms straight out. I caught her a few seconds too late, but here's a pic to kind of give you an idea...I'll try to snap the picture faster next time.Um, I just thought this was cute. :)

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