Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Late nights/Early mornings

I just finished nursing Lydia and thought I'd say "hi". The feedings have been going much better now, though just these last couple of days, she has not eating as much, which means she sleeps for smaller periods of time. It sucks, especially during the night, but what can you do? You cannot force a baby to eat and if you try to get her to eat while she's yawning, she will get mad and clamp down on you. Trust me, I hurts.

I've been very thirsty as well. I think today I have been even more so because we went out to eat last night and you know how salty restaurant food is. Starting tomorrow I will be cooking full meals for the first time in almost a month. I've got tons of cooking magazines that I have not looked at yet, so maybe I'll find some good receipes there. Since Lydia is just about a month old, we've been taking her out with us, so she'll probably go to HEB with me "today". I hope she doesn't get all fussy and cry on me, though she's been very good about sleeping through everything because I feed her right before I leave to go anywhere. We'll see. I'm still trying to get Trung to fix the "pictures" problem. Until then, you'll just have to listen to me blab. :P

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    blab blab blab. good blabs

    Jason :)
