Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Good, we're finally back up and running. The posting service that we use to host the family website was running a bit slow, but now we are back in business. Nothing new has really happened these last few days. Ummm, it's been a nice change being on our own again. Don't get me wrong, Ma (Trung's Mom) was truly very helpful while she was here, but now it's just us and it feels more real, like a little family. :) Oh, yesterday Lydia turned three weeks old and graduated from her Newborn diapers. Our little girl is growing up!

Okay, I have officially been suckered in...the baby has been sleeping with us these last couple nights, which is known as the "family bed". She really does sleep better with us, averaging 3-4 hours each session, while in the crib, she sleeps at most 3 hours, if she even falls asleep at that! I figured it would be okay because 1) she's still young and 2) she's going to have to sleep with us and/or the bassinet while in Houston since we're not taking the crib with us. I still try to get her to sleep in her crib as much as possible during the day, so she doesn't get "spoiled". :P

So they say in the baby books for mommy to sleep when the baby sleeps; let me tell ya, you really need it. Actually, just looking at Lydia sleep makes me sleepy.

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