Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Am I or am I not in Labor?

That really is the question this morning. I woke up around 6 AM, when I thought my water broke, but when I called the hospital after hours line, the nurse said it probably wasn't my water breaking. Well, after contracting for every 5 minutes for about a 1 minute each for almost an hour now, I think I really may be going into labor. I guess we'll see when we get to the hospital at 8. I'm contracting now and bouncing on my fitness ball (now known as my birthing ball) Yikes! Hopefully the next post will have some major news...until then, keep your fingers crossed for me! :)


  1. Anonymous6:50 PM

    haha congrats on a healthy baby :)

    Jason Chen

  2. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Congrats! Can't wait to meet the new member of the Ly family...

  3. Anonymous12:54 AM

    YEAH!!! Congratulations and I cannot wait to see the beautiful little tator tot! I have been such a terrible blogger but now have this saved to my favorites and will check more often. What gorgeous pictures of you two (three)! Love ya'll!!! -Kelly (Patek... 3ish more days!!!)

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Pic of Lydia:


  5. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Congratulations to the two of you!! We are so excited for you Grace and will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers. keep us updated with your progress and more cute pictures. Love ya.

  6. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Yeah!!!!!Congrats Grace & Trung, Larry and I are so happy for you both. I can't wait to meet her.

    Love Ya!!!!
