Saturday, September 09, 2006

Delivery details

We've been home for two nights now and are kinda getting the hang of being new parents (also known as not sleeping much). I am still trying to learn Lydia's cries, which should be easier than you would think since they can only really be cries of hunger, dirty diapers, and/or attention, but I guess when you're half asleep, it's pretty hard to figure it out. It's still all kinda surreal; I mean, just the night before Lydia's birth, I was folding her little clothes (which are still sitting in the laundry basket)...and now I'm a mommy!!! AHHH!

Okay, since I don't have any uploaded pictures, I'll take this time to explain the details of that big day. I woke up Tuesday morning at 6 AM, thinking that my water had broke. The after hours nurse informed me that my water had not broken and that I should wait until 8 AM before heading to the hospital. Well, as soon as I went back to bed, I started really feeling the contractions (I had slept through the early ones). We finally got to the hospital at 8:40 AMish and went to the doctor's office. Since the on call doctor was not in and my contractions had gone from 5 minutes to 3 minutes apart, the front desk person told me to go straight to Labor and Delivery where I found out that I was indeed in labor and was 5 centimenters dilated and 100% effaced. This part of the labor kinda sucked since no one really seemed to be very helpful. The after hours nurse seemed doubtful that I was in labor and I had to keep bouncing on my birthing ball at the doctor's office because no one would put me in a room. Anyhow...

We had a really great nurse named Corby at Labor and Delivery. She stayed with us pretty much the entire time and helped me get through the contractions; she really seemed to know what she was doing. I was given a couple doses of pain killers, but was not induced or given epidural (by choice). I don't know if I would get an epidural next time, but the labor only lasted 6 hours, which isn't bad for a first delivery.

We stayed in the delivery room until about 5:30 PM, when we were then moved to the recovery room. My parents and Wendy were there to greet us, with flowers, a balloon, and cries of happiness. We had several other visitors that night that included Sing and Maggie, my cousins, and Jason. At first I thought that I didn't want to have too many guests, but after having the baby, I wanted to share her with everyone. We actually got a pretty decent amount of sleep that night since the first night, the baby is usually still full and very very tired. The next night went by a lot slower, since we couldn't figure out the best way to breastfeed just yet. Anyhow, like I said before, it really is good to be home and having Trung's mom here has been extremely helpful with meals and what nots.

My family came up brother's family to see the baby for the first time. We had a great time! Everyone's very excited about the newest addition to the family. Well, Lydia's awake now, so I gotta tend to new life. :)

1 comment:

  1. I just want to comment that the baby clothes shown in the picture are only ones given to us as hand-me-downs.. It's not even HALF of what we have in total. I swear we could start a baby clothing store with the amount we have.
