Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lowry Park Zoo

First thing in the morning, we went to Lowry Park Zoo, which Parenting Magazine ranked as the number one best zoo. After interacting with giraffes, riding a camel, and seeing animals I had never seen before, I would have to agree that it is indeed the best zoo that I have ever visited.

White tigers at play

Underwater tapirs

Rhino and baby

A shoulder with a view

The zoo had tons of babies...they were so cute!

The girls had no fear of the deadly Komodo Dragon...

even the real one.

The girls always want to ride on every carousel that they see.

Sister search

Here's looking at you, kid.

Licked! Apparently I didn't taste very good.

Lydia and Sophie were traumatized after the giraffe encounters, but they lightened up real fast when they got fruit snacks.

Lydia didn't seem to think the camels were scary; little does she know that they spit.

The Funniest Home Video EVER

After the collision, we made Lydia happy again with another ride on the scary panda on the carousel. Sophie did not appreciate watching from the bench.

Oh the misery!

We feel your pain, Orangutan

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