Thursday, December 24, 2009

First days of Florida


Tuesday morning we slept in and took it easy. After lunch, we went to the local mall and hung out all afternoon, shopping and entertaining the kids. We passed on the double push cars when we saw the huge carousel, but ended up finding one later...those things are lifesavers. After dinner, Trung's oldest brother Toan dropped by with his family and they got to meet Sophie for the first time.
Trung (and Sophie) taking a snooze in the hammock in the kitchen.

Lydia enjoying Ma's sweet bun for breakfast

Everyone on for game of peek-a-boo

Having fun on the huge carousel in the mall


We hit International Plaza right after breakfast to beat the crowds. After a quick run to my shops while the kids played in the Looney Tunes corner, we ate lunch and were off to Westshore Plaza Mall. Yes, lots of shopping...what can I say, I have to check out the Gymboree stores when I'm out of town. :)

She's tiny...

she's toony, they're both a little loony.

Lydia learning to play tag with a new friend


My niece Amanda accompanied me to the mall, Office Depot, and Wal-mart to purchase some last minute presents. After lunch and the kids' naps, we headed over to Toan's house to chill and have steak for dinner.
The girls love their cousin Amanda, mainly because she gives them snacks.

The girls are scared of dogs, but are slowly adjusting to Toan's dog Sanibel.

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