Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We headed to Houston Wednesday afternoon for our Thanksgiving break. Mike arrived that same afternoon, so the entire Lee family was able to spend the holiday together this year. We had hot pot for dinner and then Mike, Trung, and I went to watch the movie "2012", which was quite good.

Thanksgiving day we went to Jimmy's house for lunch and then my father's church member's house for dinner.
The ladies taking a mini-joy ride around the neighborhood in Jimmy's new convertible.

See ya!

The Lee Family, plus my cousin Grace

Our little family

Friday morning my cousin Grace and I hit the Galleria and Town & Country Village for some Black Friday sales. We had lunch at my parents' house and then Cora, the kids, and I went to La Centerra to shop some more. We went to sleep early, so that we could head out early to Moody Gardens in Galveston the next morning.

The Aquarium at Moody Gardens


Lydia "ice skating" for the first time

Jocelyn ice-skating for the first time; she was skating by herself very soon after

My big girl!

Jocelyn, Jason, and Cora enjoying the 3D experience

Cousins aboard the ship, The Colonel

Sophie loves to dance and jump around a lot now; it's quite amusing

Festival of Lights!

Ahoy, matey!

The coolest slide, it even had Trung going, "woe"

Even toddlers get "tummy time"

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