Sunday, November 08, 2009

Sleeping the week away

When I picked Lydia up from Mother's Day Out on Tuesday, her teacher informed me that she had been coughing. I found this a bit strange since she had been feeling just fine up to this point, but maybe I passed my lingering cough (which I've had for three weeks) to her. By the time we hit the Arboretum, Lydia was obviously upset, kept rubbing her eyes, and had an upset stomachache. She started getting a fever and was "couch"ridden-ed for the remainder of the day and even went to bed an hour early. Thus was the beginning of a long week with Lydia missing school on Thursday and then passing on her high fever to Sophie on Friday after our morning out. So, we didn't do much, just a bunch of...
Lydia sleeping

and Sophie sleeping.

Oh, I did manage to attend two girl events, Saturday night at North and Sunday afternoon at Steeping Room, while Trung stayed home with the sick. It was nice getting away for a little while to clear my head and catch up with friends.

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