Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We headed to Houston Wednesday afternoon for our Thanksgiving break. Mike arrived that same afternoon, so the entire Lee family was able to spend the holiday together this year. We had hot pot for dinner and then Mike, Trung, and I went to watch the movie "2012", which was quite good.

Thanksgiving day we went to Jimmy's house for lunch and then my father's church member's house for dinner.
The ladies taking a mini-joy ride around the neighborhood in Jimmy's new convertible.

See ya!

The Lee Family, plus my cousin Grace

Our little family

Friday morning my cousin Grace and I hit the Galleria and Town & Country Village for some Black Friday sales. We had lunch at my parents' house and then Cora, the kids, and I went to La Centerra to shop some more. We went to sleep early, so that we could head out early to Moody Gardens in Galveston the next morning.

The Aquarium at Moody Gardens


Lydia "ice skating" for the first time

Jocelyn ice-skating for the first time; she was skating by herself very soon after

My big girl!

Jocelyn, Jason, and Cora enjoying the 3D experience

Cousins aboard the ship, The Colonel

Sophie loves to dance and jump around a lot now; it's quite amusing

Festival of Lights!

Ahoy, matey!

The coolest slide, it even had Trung going, "woe"

Even toddlers get "tummy time"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray!

Yay, Thanksgiving vacation is here! I don't have to cook for almost a whole week and I am very excited; the kids can't wait to see their grandparents in Houston this afternoon. We wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Sophie "hooray-ing" to the theme song of Super Why

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Trung's 33rd Birthday

We celebrated Trung's birthday with a pre-Thanksgiving lunch. Along with turkey and ham, I made five sides and two desserts...I was in a cooking frenzy all morning, using three ovens at a time. Afterwards, the guys split up to play Magic or tennis while some of the girls watched the kids play. It's always so much for when the gang, and now their kids, get together. :)

Most of the food

The birthday boy

Children at play

Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

In the morning, the girls and I joined Persephone, Kyan, and their friends at Waterloo Ice House for brunch. Lydia and Sophie ate so much; I had to grab a bite of the pancake before they ate it all!
All the kids at play

Sliding Sideways Sophie

In the afternoon, Wendy and I had some girl time and unwind-ed at Halina's where she got a massage and I got a facial. Then we met up again with the rest of our families at the Domain for Happy Hour at Fleming's and the lighting of the Macy's Christmas tree. I can't believe celebrating Christmas has already started and Thanksgiving hasn't even passed yet!

Fireworks at the Domain

Sophie was amazed with her first fireworks show

Lydia, not so much...she had nightmares later that night too

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fall Fest

We attended Lydia's annual Thanksgiving lunch at her school where Trung got to meet her teacher and classmates. We arrived a tad bit late and Lydia was teary-eyed when we got there, I'm not sure if it was because she didn't think we were going to come or if she was so happy to see us.

Lydia showing off her indian band

Got milk?

The girls totally enjoying their healthy treats on the way home.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Free rides

The girls and I enjoyed the lovely afternoon hanging out at the outlet. I never know what to put on them nowadays since the weather is always changing throughout the day. The girls wore sweaters in the morning, but it got warm, so I took the opportunity to put them in their summer clothes one last time.
The girls got free rides on the carousel since their were empty seats available.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Downtown playscape

We met Trung's co-worker and his family at Whole Foods downtown for lunch. The kids had fun playing on the playscape, which I didn't even know they had, on the top level. We had a healthy lunch and a great view.

We could eat and watch the kids at the same time...very convenient.

Lydia was especially kind to Sophie today, which made me very happy. Sophie also figured out how to slide down all by herself; she's quite daring.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Maggie's "Monkey" Shower

We attended Maggie's surprise baby shower this afternoon and got to see everyone and their kids for the first time in months.
Yawning really is contagious

Lydia and Sophie spent most of the time building blocks

The father-to-be with his Diaper Duty Device

Wendy and Joy with the newest additions to the gang, Ethan and Mackenzie

All the kids, except Kaitlin who was sick at the clinic

The mother-to-be with the first diaper cake that I ever made

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pretty in Pink

We went to Dick's Sporting Goods to find Trung a new pair of running shoes. The girls each got a pair of pink faux fur lined clogs too! :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy days are here again

Yay, the kids are finally better and everyone is much happier. I found Sophie the other morning behind the rocking chair in her bedroom reading a book, in the dark; it was so cute!

Happy to be caught reading a book

Sophie is growing up!

This morning, Sarah needed me to watch Amy for a couple of hours, so the girls got to ride to Lydia's MDO together. Lydia wanted Amy to sit next to her, so Sophie got stuck in the back. Several of the teachers at Lydia's school asked who Amy was and the director said that I looked good with three kids...hee hee.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Sleeping the week away

When I picked Lydia up from Mother's Day Out on Tuesday, her teacher informed me that she had been coughing. I found this a bit strange since she had been feeling just fine up to this point, but maybe I passed my lingering cough (which I've had for three weeks) to her. By the time we hit the Arboretum, Lydia was obviously upset, kept rubbing her eyes, and had an upset stomachache. She started getting a fever and was "couch"ridden-ed for the remainder of the day and even went to bed an hour early. Thus was the beginning of a long week with Lydia missing school on Thursday and then passing on her high fever to Sophie on Friday after our morning out. So, we didn't do much, just a bunch of...
Lydia sleeping

and Sophie sleeping.

Oh, I did manage to attend two girl events, Saturday night at North and Sunday afternoon at Steeping Room, while Trung stayed home with the sick. It was nice getting away for a little while to clear my head and catch up with friends.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Mimi's Cafe

After several days of battling illnesses; Wendy, Susanna, and I were finally able to meet up and enjoy the awesome weather Austin has been having. We walked around the Arboretum for a little bit and the kids played in the now dry fountain. Afterwards, we had a delicious lunch at Mimi's Cafe; they really cater to kids there. The kids enjoyed playing together so much that we hung around the front patio of the restaurant and let them have at it. I hope this weather sticks around for awhile; I am totally loving it!

Sophie sporting her first ponytail

She didn't like it very much.

Ethan, Lydia, Sophie, and Kaitlin

Me and my girls

Our group of three adults and five kids was seated in the middle of the restaurant. The kids did really well; a waitress even commented how impressed she was at how well behaved the kids were. :)

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Autumn Activities

Lydia enjoys wearing dresses lately and shows Sophie how to twirl whenever they wear them.

We decided to wash the Maxima this afternoon and when I went to get the bucket from the backyard, I found this! A scream came soon after.

Lydia has been battling a fever and didn't feel like helping. "Here, Mama, I don't want it."

My lazy kids

Sophie finally had some fun in the water...


Sunday, November 01, 2009

Trick or Treat

We had a fun-filled day attending a Halloween party and trick or treating. Every year Halloween seems to get more fun. Can't wait for next year already!

Sophie checking out the purity of Trung's bling

A pimp and his glow worm

Lydia the Runaway Bride

The Ly Family Halloween 2009

Trung and I

When "walking" is just not fast enough

Amy fighting with her sword behind her back

Sophie defending Amy's honor

Sophie won the kid's costume costume as a glow worm and then undergoing metamorphosis into a twirly butterfly

I voted for you, honey!

The gals

Working the corner after the party

Trick or treat

The girls had so much fun!

Sophie getting a lift from Trung; I'm sure her arms were aching from carrying the heavy bucket, but she wouldn't let go!

Testing the treats

Anyone coming?