Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sleeping beauties

Our hectic weekend must have finally caught up with Lydia because she has been sleeping so much! She usually wakes up by 8:30 at the very latest, but yesterday morning Trung had to wake her up before he went to work at 9 AM. Then she napped for three and a half hours and I had to wake her up then too! So far today, she woke up at 9ish again and is currently taking her nap (I put her down at 12:40). It is no wonder she has so much energy, huh?

After two and a half weeks, I have finally gotten Sophie to sleep eight hours straight at night again. She has, for the most part, been sleeping through the night, but ever since our Michigan trip, she hadn't slept more than six hours at a time. After Michigan, the girls and I were in Houston for almost a week, and then all the relatives came into town for the wedding this past weekend; but finally our life is back to normal and we can establish a routine. Here is Sophie's sleep schedule:
8 AM - wake up
10 AM - 10:45 AM - nap
1 PM - 3 PM - nap (Lydia takes her nap at this time as well)
5 PM - 5:45 PM - nap
8 PM - go to sleep
10:30ish - dream feed

I tried this schedule yesterday and it worked like a charm; Sophie didn't wake up until 7:45 AM! The only problem is keeping her awake and cooperative enough for the dream feed. I know several people that have done it with great success...can you help me out? By the way, Sophie is quite the little snorer.

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