Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Both kids are finally down for the night. Whew! Man, it is hard taking care of two kids pretty much by myself; Trung left for Austin last night to start his new job today and my parents are worn out from the past several days of watching them. I am exhausted and I even got a five hour break from Lydia this morning when my Dad took her to Tallowood's Vacation Bible School (VBS).

The exhaustion is initially from waking up at 3:45 AM to feed Sophie; unfortunately, her sleeping schedule got messed up while I was away. Sophie and I met up with Tiff briefly later this morning and then had lunch back at my parents' house. Lydia and my niece Jocelyn soon came home from VBS, so I got them fed and then put my kids down for their naps. Sophie wasn't sleeping well and Lydia was too wound up from playing with Jocelyn, so I barely got to rest before they were both up and going at it. Somehow between Baby Einstein videos and Leap frog books, we managed to get through the rest of the day. I hope the days will be easier once I am back at my babyproofed house and not having to watch Lydia every second. I am, however, getting a glimpse of reality since Trung will no longer be at home to help me with the kids when I get home. Hopefully it can only get better from here. :/ By the way, I'm sticking around town to catch up with friends and so that Trung can catch up on some other work.

I don't believe my Dad has the application for me to upload pictures and videos onto his computer, so I'll just write and not post my blogs until I get back to Austin this weekend. I'll have all the new posts linked up, so you won't miss a thing. Until then, you will just have to wait to hear all about our trip to me if you really can't stand the anticipation. :P

1 comment:

  1. you will do fine just the 3 of will be an adjustment, but you will make it :) I will be praying for you and the girls as you go through the transition.
