Monday, September 24, 2007

I've been tagged...

I've been tagged...
by Summer (whose answers I thought quite profound, so I borrowed a few :) ), so here are my answers to 10 questions:

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
September 1997 ... I had just begun my senior year in high school and was probably filling out college applications. Ten years was a long time ago and I'm pretty boring, so that's probably it. :)

2. What were you doing 5 years ago?
September 2002 ... I started my first post college job at Texas First National Bank working as a loan processor. I joined 24 Hour Fitness so that I could get in shape in case I ever met anyone. I was living at home at the time and wondered how long it would last before my parents got on my nerves.

3. What were you going 1 year ago?
September 2006 ... I had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl and was trying to get the hang of motherhood. I went to my first post pregnancy wedding and was glad to have found a dress in my closet that fit without having to buy another one. Thank goodness for Trung during this emotional time when my mother-in-law and I clashed opinions the majority of the time.

4. What did you do yesterday?
I woke up at 6:45 AM when Lydia woke up, got Trung to go get her, then snoozed for about ten more minutes. After getting ready for the day, I made breakfast for me, Trung, and my brother Mike who was visiting for the weekend; we saw Mike off soon after. After some playing and reading, Lydia took her morning nap as Trung and I did some much needed yardwork. We had a simple lunch, played with Lydia some more, and then put her back to sleep again. Trung went to get his hair cut and buy some groceries and by the time he got home, Sing and Maggie had already arrived with freshly baked pizza. We ate dinner with them and watched "Pathfinder", which was okay... lots of gore. I took Lydia out walking towards the end of the movie, so after we bathed and fed her, I watched the rest of the movie. Then, off to sleep!

5. Snacks I enjoy ...
Ramen noodles, any kind of fruit, corndogs, jalapeno chips, Rocky Road ice cream, chai tea latte, barley milk tea, any kind of cobbler, Vietnamese egg rolls

6. Things I would do with $100 million dollars ...
- Build and furnish our dream home
- Buy fabulous vacation homes in Maui and Lake Tahoe
- Travel to New Zealand and visit other fun places around the world
- Go on a shopping spree
- Buy a new SUV
- Hire a housekeeper to come twice a week
- Hire a personal chef to make healthy but delicious meals for us
- Hire a personal trainer to help me stay in shape
- Set up a trust fund for Lydia!
- Share some of the $ with family and friends!

7. Locations I would run to ...
Maui and Lake Tahoe

8. Bad habits I have ...
I worry too much and am super emotional at times. It's hard for me to let certain things/situations go and I speak my mind, which isn't always a good thing. I am a pack rat, though Trung tries to help me out with that.

9. Things I like to do:
- Shoot pictures and videos of Lydia
- Spend time with friends and family
- Travel
- Ski
- Blog
- Shop
- Watch TV and movies
- Sell stuff on eBay and Craigslist for a huge profit

10. Biggest joy of the moment:
Lydia has been driving me nuts lately (there must be a terrible ones!), so it's a joy when she's a doll around other people and they totally compliment her. Or, when she says "momma momma", walks into my arms, and puts her head on my shoulder. *sigh* It makes everything worth it!

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