Friday, September 28, 2007

...and then there was four

I'm pregnant (again)! We're expecting baby number two in early April, April 6th to be exact. Yes, it was totally planned; we wanted our kids to be close in age and no, we have no idea what we've gotten ourselves into. :P So, as you can imagine, it has been an extremely tough week for me to avoid getting sick and to care for Trung and Lydia, not to mention throwing up for the first time in both pregnancies on Tuesday. I think it might have been due to the lack of sleep since Lydia has been waking up at least twice every night before waking up for the day.

I had my second doctor's appointment today and apparently, I am extremely underweight for being almost 13 weeks pregnant. I started off ten pounds heavier in my last pregnancy, and I still haven't gained anything this first trimester (I've actually lost weight). So, the doc says for me to eat eat problem! :) Oh, and to completely stop breastfeeding, which I slowly had been doing and was down to only once a day, but now it's official. I'm just sad that I wasn't able to treasure that last time with Lydia last night. :( Well, at least there will be more of that in the very near future.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!! How exciting! Keep us posted on your pregnancy. Are you going to find out if it is a boy or girl? I'm so excited for you!!

  2. Congratulations! That is so awesome and hope you get to feeling better soon. I only had a few spouts of morning sickness with Mason. How many do you guys plan on having?

  3. thanks. like i said, i will be sure to keep everyone posted. i'm so excited for your family. i always wanted a big family...i want 4 and adam is ok with that but he leans more toward 3.

  4. Congratulations! I am so thrilled for you! My kids are close and I love it. I wish you well with your pregnancy! :)
