Sunday, August 10, 2014

Boogie boarding in San Clemente

My sister-in-law's cousin, Jean, and I have been friends since we moved to California four years ago.  Though we had talked about hanging out at the beach with them so many times, we hadn't until finally this weekend.  We brought along our boogie board that we had purchased a couple years back at our citywide yard sale, but had never used it until this trip.  Who knew boogie boarding could be so much fun!  Though the waves were rough at times, Lydia was strong enough to stay in the water, while Sophie often watched the rest of us from the beach.  We even had a "Baywatch" moment when Jean got stuck in a rip current and a lifeguard had to come rushing out to save her.

Trung had boogie board duty

Checking out the water

Trung caught a wave

The girls "get along" towel

The second day, we brought out the surfboards

The flags were moved over, so we settled in the same spot that we did the day before

Our great set-up

Getting chased by the waves

After dinner, we stopped by Balboa Island because Trung wanted to see the other parts of Newport Beach

Catching the sunset

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