Thursday, February 18, 2010

Private school or no?

Ever since I heard that the state law deadline for public school is September 1st, I have been wondering what I could possibly do to get Lydia, whose birthday is September 5th, one grade ahead. After some initial research a few months ago, I was very disappointed to find that even private schools, who abide by their own set of rules, have started using the September 1st cutoff date. I then accepted that Lydia would just start school later and be the oldest in her class.

Recently, we found a private school that did not abide by the September 1st cutoff date, but rather, a first come first serve basis. Trung and I went to "Meet the Principal" on Wednesday and apparently, Lydia will have no problem getting into their preschool program in the Fall. We would jump at this opportunity if not for the tuition. $6,500 may not seem that much right now, especially since Mother's Day Out is already $1,700 for only twice a week and for two hours less, so it is comparable. The real kicker is that Lydia has to be in private school for kindergarten and at least one semester of first grade, if not the entire year, before transferring back to public school...$7,700 each year. Why? Public school does not really consider kindergarten a grade level, so they would make Lydia retake it after her kindergarten year in private school. BUT, they "probably" won't make her repeat first grade after finishing first grade already. I know this is a bit confusing, but basically, it's all about how old she is that school year in public school that puts in that grade.

So, what it comes down to it worth $22,000 for Lydia to get one grade level ahead, or should we save the money? Right now, we're thinking to minimize costs and still get Lydia one grade ahead, we'll just try to be at the top of the waiting list for kindergarten, hope she gets in, and then transfer her after the first semester of first grade to a public school ($12000). Even then, should we just save the money for her college fund? I've been told there are different ways to could get around the cut off date, but they require testing and petitions. I guess it's a good thing we've got until October to be put on the waiting list to decide.

BTW, please feel free to contact me if you are aware of a way around the cutoff date, especially if it doesn't require going to private school.


  1. That's a lot of money!! I am just curious - why do you want her to be a year ahead?

  2. I am with Summer - that is a lot of money to be the absolute youngest in your class.
