Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Sophie Stats

At Sophie's 15 month appointment, she weighed 17 pounds, 4 ounces, which is less than 5%tile for her age. Her height was 30.25" and head circumference was 45.6 cm, which are in the 45-50%tile, so it looks like she's going to be tall and skinny for awhile. The pediatrician thinks that Sophie is just petite, but just to make sure, we have an appointment next week with an endocrinologist. Hopefully everything will go well then and we don't have to be concerned about her size ever again, well, actually, so that the docs will finally be off her case because I know that she is totally fine.

Though Sophie may be tiny, she sure can throw a tantrum. Ever since she started teething last week, she's been very moody. When she doesn't have it her way or has something taken from her, she'll throw herself on the floor and start screaming and crying. *sigh* At least it comes in waves and she's her sweet self once again. Lately, the nursery rhyme of the little girl with the curl on her forehead comes to mind.

The sweetness that I love!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    We love our granddaughters, thin or not thin. all the same.
