Monday, September 22, 2008

Over the weekend

This past weekend we took it easy, which was nice because next weekend will be busy busy. It's funny how are weekends are normally pretty free, but when events do happen, they are all on the same day. Like this coming Saturday, for example, we're going to Sea World for the most part of the day and then Trung's company barbeque at 5 PM AND we were just invited to a neighbor's birthday party at 3 PM, which we won't be able to attend. Needless to say, it's going to be a busy day, but at least the girls can do most of their napping in the car on the way to and from San Antonio.

Saturday we had a mini gathering at our community pool. It was fun watching the kids play in the freezing water and just hanging out with our friends, which we don't do very often anymore.
Also over the weekend, Sophie started waking up at 1-2 AM and again around 5:30ish. Lydia has had a runny nose and cough ever since she started MDO a few weeks, and I think Sophie has finally caught something. Either that or she isn't filling up on breastmilk anymore and gets hungry, who knows. Regardless, I have been spoiled with Sophie sleeping through the night before she was two months old, so this new sleeping schedule has been quite tough on me. You would think that being a stay-at-home Mom, I would be able to catch a nap some time during the day, but it's been hard getting the girls to sleep at the same time nowadays. Oh, and Trung and I have begun to show some minor cold symptoms too, like runny noses and coughing. Hopefully everyone will start feeling better before the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hope everyone gets to feeling better. There is nothing worse then having the whole family sick.
