Monday, July 21, 2008

Growth Spurt

This past week Sophie has been waking up between 4-5 AM for a feeding. I have read and been told that babies have a growth spurt around three months old, so I am hoping that this is it and that it will soon pass because I sure do miss my sleep. It is also tough having the girls' rooms right next to each other; a no-no for our next house. Before with Lydia, we would let her cry herself back to sleep, which we still do; she goes right back to sleep. With Sophie, however, we're scared to let her cry too long because Lydia might wake up, which really had never happened until last night.

Oh, last night, well, morning really. Lydia woke up crying and since we never go to her (she always goes right back to sleep, I promise!), Sophie ended up waking up. So, I fed Sophie and as I was washing my hands in the girls' semi-adjoining bathroom, Lydia started crying again. I figured the baby wouldn't be able to sleep with Lydia being all loud next door, so I let her fall asleep on her playmat in the living room while I sleep on the futon next to her. As they say, "if it's not one (kid), it's the other (kid)" or maybe "when it rains, it pours" might be more suitable. Congratulations to my friends Chi, Summer, and Tabaitha on their second pregnancies; you have much to look forward to...hee hee. :P

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