Friday, May 30, 2008

Gas or grin...

you be the judge.

This past month, Sophie went through a phase where she would only sleep for three hour stretches at night. This behavior was a bit confusing because isn't a baby supposed to sleep longer at night as they get older? Well, I realized that in her first month, Sophie had a hard time sleeping during the day, so she would make up for it by sleeping a lot at night. This second month, however, she has been sleeping quite a bit during the day, thus, sleeping less at night. So, this past week, I purchased a recommended baby book and followed some advice though not the restrictive sleeping schedule. Basically, I kept Sophie up longer during the day, dressed her in cooler clothes (onesies), and fed her as much as worked. Starting Monday I am going to try the hardcore sleeping schedule from the book, which allows only 3.5 hours of awake time during a 7 am -7 pm day...wish me luck!

I am hoping to have Sophie trained by next Friday when my parents will be watching the kids for four days. That's right...four whole days! Trung and I are leaving from Houston to attend his college friend's wedding in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Cool, right? And the timing couldn't have been more perfect with Trung starting his new job upon our return. I hope my parents will survive watching the kiddos, though I could really use the break.

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